Spiderman's blog

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Mystery admirer


This is something I've been wrestling with for a while now and I've decided enough is enough.  It all happened a few weeks ago when I was going down Westoe Road on the bus, on my way to Gough's to get a new pair of hair tongs in a sun bleached cyan box that I had seen in the window a few days earlier.

Spiderman's picture

I'm in business


It may (or may not) have come to your attention that I am a little more that lucky when it comes to the meat draw in the local club.  So much so that I sometimes have more meat in my possession than I know what to do with.

Spiderman's picture

Oh how they've changed


Inspired by Mike's blog 'Under the knife', I got to thinking that some celebrities have changed dramatically without any obvious surgery.  So I thought it would be a good spin-off, to collect images that demonstrate how unkind the years can be. 

Spiderman's picture

You didn't get that in an hour!


In today's fast paced modern World, everyone wants stuff quick.  Nobody wants to wait for anything.  So I thought it would be good to get a list of things that, even today, you cannot get in a hour.  High quality items or complex detailed items, who knows?  I leave it in your capable hands.