Sir Noel Edmonds's blog

Sir Noel Edmonds's picture

Noel or Nee Noel...


Ochhhhh! Hi pop fans. I've been thinking for a while how I could make some sort of contribution to this site to give it more of a "high-brow" feel. I've been on the phone to my agent, the Banker and my old chum The Hairy Cornflake and they talked me into submitting a regular (here's hoping) in-depth interview with various high profile characters.

Sir Noel Edmonds's picture

Noel's 'Kwikky Kwiz Kwestion'


Occccchhhhhh...Hi pop pickers. ROCK-A-DOODLE-DOO! Here's a teaser for you lot - back in the "Golden Age" of Radio 1, my fab old friend Jimmy Saville hosted a quiz with the mysterious Uncle Ted in a real pub OPEN BRACKET - no sound effects in those days - CLOSED BRACKET...ochhhh.